Silhouette Lift

As we age, gravity and muscle action create changes in the tension and elasticity of facial skin. This leads to sagging skin, wrinkles, creases and deep grooves around the mouth and in the forehead. Many of our patients are concerned with correcting these outward signs of aging as well as other physical imperfections in the facial area.

A Silhouette Lift® uses an FDA approved suture to provide a lasting lift to sagging facial tissues without the expense and prolonged recovery of a full facelift. This safe, simple, and conservative procedure is performed by our doctor for patients in our region, and leaves no visible traces of the procedure on the skin. It can make a patient look 5 - 7 years younger.

Who are the best candidates for a Silhouette Lift?

The best candidates are patients with:

  • Mild to moderate sagging of soft tissues of the face and neck
  • Premature aging and sun damage
  • Weakly pronounced aesthetic features and contours
  • A flaccid, flat face

How does a Silhouette Lift work?

The Silhouette Lift uses an entirely new suture for lifting and repositioning soft tissue. The unique, two-stage Silhouette fixation process lifts and holds repositioned tissues in place. This suture is made with tiny knots and absorbable, lifting cones, spaced in the appropriate position to lift and hold soft tissue.

This patented suture allows your body's tissues to slowly grow into and around the knots as the lifting cones are slowly absorbed, leaving your skin smooth and barb free. Since the Silhouette suture is not a barbed suture, it can easily be removed, if desired, after the cones are fully absorbed.

How is a Silhouette Lift performed?

The procedure is done using local anesthesia and can take from thirty minutes to one hour. Our physician gently threads the silhouette suture through your sagging tissues and then retracts it. This gentle retraction causes the cones to lock onto and lift the sagging tissues, allowing our doctor to reposition them under the skin. Once in position, your body begins generating new collagen around each cone to hold them in place.

What areas respond the best to a Silhouette Lift?

  • Eyebrows can be elevated
  • Cheeks can be lifted
  • Jowls can be elevated and reduced
  • Neck and jaw lines can be tightened

What about scars after a Silhouette Lift?

Since the procedure is performed with needles there are no incisions and therefore no visible scars.

How long do Silhouette Lift results last?

Most Silhouette Lift patients are happy with their results which are holding tightly after about 3 years. Many patients choose to enhance the results of their Silhouette Lift with soft tissue fillers and Botox treatments.

How does a Silhouette Lift differ from a conventional facelift?

A Silhouette Lift is a much less invasive procedure. As a result, it only requires local anesthesia so there is much less risk and no recovery due to the general anesthesia that is required for a facelift. A Silhouette Lift is done on an out-patient basis in our office. And the final difference is that a Silhouette Lift is much less expensive than a facelift.

What is recovery from a Silhouette Lift like?

After our doctor performs your Silhouette Lift, downtime is minimal. You probably won't even need bandages. However, you may want to apply some ice to reduce swelling. Most patients resume full normal activities in 2 - 3 days.