

When a women experiences heavy bleeding, extended bleeding or other abnormal uterine bleeding a Hysteroscopy may be recommended. Hysteroscopy is performed by our doctor for patients in our region to examine the inside of the uterus and detect any uterine abnormalities.

What is a Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a procedure performed using a hysteroscope, a thin telescope-like instrument that is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus. Hysteroscopy can be either diagnostic or operative.

A diagnostic Hysteroscopy is used to determine the cause of uterine bleeding; detect fibroids, polyps, adhesions or other uterine abnormalities; or to locate a displaced intrauterine device (IUD). An operative Hysteroscopy is performed using a surgical hysteroscope which allows very thin operating instruments to be inserted through it into the uterus to remove polyps, fibroid tumors and treat abnormal bleeding.

How is a Hysteroscopy performed?

Our doctor performs a Hysteroscopy in our office or at the hospital with either local anesthesia, or general anesthesia depending on the reason for your hysteroscopy. You may experience some mild cramping or bleeding. Most women are able to return to normal activities quickly. Our doctor will provide specific post-procedure instructions for you.